Welcome to
Prosper & Celina Networking Group

Prosper Celina Networking Group was formed by a few folks with a common interest in starting a networking group that was unlike others with high dues, limited inclusions and mandatory attendance or you would be kicked out. We formed this group in January of 2014 with 3-4 people discussing ideas that were scribbled on a napkin. Now we have an active membership exceeding 20+ people in attendance every two weeks.

About Us

We are quite proud of our group and the limited rules and regulations that we enforce!  If you visit a time or two and like the group, you pay $125.00 in annual dues, attend as often as you can (8:30a every other Wednesday).  We donate 100% of the dues to a local charity each year!  We try to limit the number of professions to two, not just one like many other local and national networking groups.  If you weren’t paying attention just then, you missed all of the rules and regulations!  We don’t have a “President”, everyone’s vote counts the same!  There are no subcommittees, no cliques and no drama.

Since 2014, well over $1,500,000.00 in revenue from referred goods and services has transpired!  If you feel like you meet our stringent requirements and would be willing to contribute to the group with your referrals, we would love to have you as our guest and see if the fit is right for you and your business.  Warning, laughter and sarcasm run amuck at most every meeting.

We appreciate your interest in PCNG!


All of us!